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Table Block
Niclas Aunin avatar
Written by Niclas Aunin
Updated over a week ago

How to add a Table Block

The Table block allows you to present data in a table format. Here's how to add it to your spaces and templates:

  1. Click on the blue "+" button in the sidebar to add a new block and select the "Table Block".

  2. By default, the block will have a headline, a description field, and an empty 3x3 Matrix. Now you can start editing.

Editing Text, Rows, and Columns

Editing Text

To add text, click into the cell you would like to edit and start typing. Highlight the text to see available formatting options.

Inserting or Deleting Rows and Columns

To insert new rows or columns, click on the arrow on the right-hand side and select the respective option you would like to perform.

Formatting Columns and Rows as Headers

You can format columns and rows as header. To select or remove this option, click on the arrow on the right of the respective cell and select one of the header formatting options at the bottom of the list.

Valuecase Table Block with editing options

Please note: Keep in mind when adding columns that the table width is responsive to the screen size of the visitor. For small screens or tables with a lot of columns, users may need to scroll horizontally to see all the information.

Use Cases

The Table block is a useful addition to our block selection, enabling you to present data in an organized way to your stakeholders. Here is an overview of common use cases and how this block can be utilised:

  • Pricing: Display pricing structures for various products or services. This could include volume discounts, subscription options, or bundled offers, which helps in maintaining transparency and clarity about costs.

  • Feature Overview: Sales & Onboarding teams can use the Table Block to clearly present different products or service options. This helps in comparing features, prices, specifications, or plans side by side, enabling clients to make informed decisions.

  • Competition Comparison: Utilize Table blocks to showcase how your products compare with competitors' offerings. This visual tool helps delineate key differences in features, pricing, and performance, enabling prospects to make educated choices with a clear understanding of market options.


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