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Task Management
Niclas Aunin avatar
Written by Niclas Aunin
Updated over a week ago

Introducing Central Task Management

The Task Management feature in Valuecase offers a centralized view of all tasks associated with your Mutual Action Plans (MAPs). This tool enhances the visibility and manageability of tasks, allowing users to easily track progress and take necessary actions.

The Dashboard provides a quick overview of the status of your tasks, including upcoming due dates, overdue tasks, and tasks without due dates. The task list tab provides additional filtering options to give you a comprehensive overview of all your tasks.

Here's a short video demo:

How to navigate the Task Dashboard

You can access the Task Dashboard via the sidebar from our start page by clicking on 'Tasks'.

By default, we only display tasks from spaces that have been created in the last 3 months. This way you can focus only on the most recent spaces and avoids cluttering your view with tasks from spaces that are no longer in use. You can change the time period via the filter on top of the page.

Progress Bar

Get an overview of the most recent spaces, sorted into brackets, each representing 20% progress. Hover over on a companies logo to see the exact progress percentage and open the space.

We'll show up to 5 logos for each bracket, in case there are more spaces in that bracket we'll display the number of additional spaces next to the logos. Click on the number to view more details.

Task Management columns

Below the progress bar, you'll find an overview of your tasks. We've displayed three columns to provide you with the most relevant status. Each column displays up to 10 tasks. To view more tasks in a particular category, simply click "View all".

Here's an overview of the columns and the criteria for task display:

  • Overdue: View all overdue tasks, sorted from oldest to most recent.

    Upcoming Due Dates: View tasks that are soon due, sorted by time until due from soonest to latest.

    Next Task Without Due Date: Displays the next open task without a due date for each of your action plans. This helps you easily identify the next task based on the order of the action plan that needs to be completed in order to make progress, and to identify tasks you may want to schedule a due date for.

You can also complete tasks directly in the dashboard by ticking the checkbox next to the task name.

How to navigate the Task List

In the task list, you can find a complete view of all your tasks. Unlike the dashboard, which is designed to provide an instant overview of your most relevant tasks, the task list allows you to dive deeper into all your open tasks.

To make finding tasks easier, the list is equipped with a range of features:

  • Filter by Creation Date: By default, we show tasks from spaces created in the past 3 months. You can also set the filter to 30 days, 6 months, 12 months, or all time. Please note that this may impact loading performance.

  • Categories: The same 3 categories as in the Dashboard (Overdue, Upcoming Due Dates, Next Task Without Due Date) are available in the List. Additionally, you'll find a column containing all tasks.

  • Sort: You can sort the columns by "Last Visit" (the last time a buyer visited the space that the task is part of) and "Due Date" of a task.

  • Search: Search by space name or task name to find the task you are looking for.

Furthermore, you can click on any task to open the space and take action.

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