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Learn about our checklist feature
Lennart Prange avatar
Written by Lennart Prange
Updated over a week ago

🎊 Congratulations on creating your first template!

Before you invite your sales reps to create their first space, check out our checklist.

To help your sales reps successfully create their first space, make sure, to use the checklist. This feature will guide your sales reps' through the template, ensuring they complete all the relevant steps for creating their first space.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Access the checklist by clicking on the sidebar in the template.

  2. The checklist will appear on the right-hand side of the screen, showing all the tasks for the current block.

  3. As your sales reps complete each task, the corresponding item in the checklist will be marked as complete.

By following these simple steps, your sales reps can create their first space easily by using the interactive checklist, guiding them through the process. The checklist for your sales reps' will appear like this:

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