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Files Block
Niclas Aunin avatar
Written by Niclas Aunin
Updated over a week ago

How to add a Files Block

The files block allows you to share resources with your buyer. Here's how to use it in your spaces and templates:

  1. To add a new block, click the blue "+" button in the sidebar and select the "Files Block".

  2. Next, click on "+ Add file" inside the block or in the sidebar.

  3. Now, you have two options to upload a file. Either enter a URL that can redirect to any website or file stored online, like a Google Docs file, or upload a local file from your computer by clicking on the "browse" button. The files block supports all common file formats, so you can upload any file type you want to share with your space visitors.

  4. In the next step, you have the option to change the preview name of the file that will be displayed to a space visitor. You can rename the file at any later point, by clicking on "rename" in the 3 dot menu.

  5. To complete the upload, click on "Upload to block".

Congrats! You have now successfully added a files block and uploaded a file to it. To upload more files, simply repeat step 2-5.

As for every block, you can edit the headline and description text, by clicking in the text field and typing in the your text.

Available actions for files

The files block enables several options for you and your buyer to engage with each file. These options are available by clicking on the 3-dot menu next to the file name or by clicking on the file thumbnail:

  • Presentation Mode: Click here to open a preview of the file.

  • Copy Link: Copy the link to the file - this enables you to share a file directly with a buyer.

  • Download: Click here to download the file.

  • Rename [sales user only]: Change the preview name of the file.

  • Upload thumbnail [sales user only]: Change the preview thumbnail.

  • Delete [sales user only]: Delete a file from the block.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Hide files

You can hide files by switching the toggle in the sidebar. This allows you to include a long list of files in a template while only showing the ones relevant for your buyer in a specific space. It also simplifies the process of making relevant files available as your buyer progresses through the sales cycle stages.

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