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Additional settings before sharing your space
Additional settings before sharing your space
Lennart Prange avatar
Written by Lennart Prange
Updated over a week ago

Valuecase provides you with multiple ways to share a space and restrict the access to specific options.

Anyone with the link

The space is publicly available to everyone who has access to the link. Your buyer will directly see the first page of your space without any further authentication. It's worth mentioning that we add a unique, randomly-generated token to each space sharing link, adding an additional layer of security.

Ask for email before entering a Space

You can also ask for email entry from anyone who enters your Spaces without restricting it to specific domains or people. This also unlocks new use cases, like using a single Space as a landing page for multiple companies.

Restricted to certain people

With this setting you can restrict the access to a list of people and domains. After opening the sharing link, your buyer will be asked to provide his email address in order to access the space. After selecting the option restricted to certain people you'll have two options:

  1. Add user: Add the email, first and last name of a buyer that should get access to a space. This option is best used, if you know all your stakeholders.

    Note: Valuecase will NOT send an email invite to your buyers, even if you add them by email. We fully leave the customer conversations in your hand.

  2. Add domain: Add an e-mail domain to give all users with that domain access rights. E.g. if you add, every users whose email address ends on will have access to the space. This option is recommended, if you need to share a space with multiple stakeholders in a buying organisation but don't know all their contact details, yet.

    You can see which buyers accessed your space by providing their email address in the sharing modal.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Personalise the activity feed

If you want to see in the activity feed, who of your buyers performed a specific action you'll need to restrict the space. Otherwise, we won't be able to identify your buyer when s/he enters the space.

Password protection

You can add password protection regardless of your access right configuration. Just enable the toggle-switch in the password protection field and copy the pre-generated password or type in a password of your choice. Make sure to share the password with your buyer along the link - from now on your buyer will be prompted to enter the password each time s/he wants to access the space.

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