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Manage new pages
Lennart Prange avatar
Written by Lennart Prange
Updated over a week ago

Valuecase allows you to flexibly adjust your space by adding new pages.
Here is an overview of the key functionalities:

  • Add a page by clicking on the "add page" button in your sidebar.

  • To edit the page information click on the edit icon. You can now adjust visibility settings and change the title.

  • Change the page order: Use the drag & drop function in your sidebar, next to the page name, to change the order in which pages are displayed.

  • Delete a page: Click on the delete button that appears next to the edit button, when you hover over the page name in the sidebar.

    Warning: If you delete a page, the page can not be recovered.

Page types: The difference between shared and internal pages

When adding a page in Valuecase, you have the option to choose between two types of pages: Shared Pages and Internal Pages.

Shared Pages are your standard pages that can be accessed by the buyer, depending on your visibility settings. These pages are great for sharing information with the buyer and collaborating with them to progress the deal.

In contrast, Internal Pages are not visible to the buyer and are meant for internal use only. Here are some reasons why you might want to use Internal Pages:

  1. Organise all relevant notes about a deal in one place: With Internal Pages, you can keep all of your notes, ideas, and action items in one space, making it easier to manage the deal. This helps ensure that everyone on your team has access to the same information, which can improve collaboration and efficiency. This also makes it significantly easier to hand over a deal to your customer success teams. They can quickly gain context on previous collaboration with the buyer and leverage the internal notes to provide a seamless experience for your customers.

  2. Improved confidentiality: Since Internal Pages are not visible to the buyer, you can keep sensitive information, such as pricing or negotiation strategies, out of sight. This can help protect your company's interests.

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