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Buyer email notifications explained

Whenever there are new activities in your mutual action plan (MAP), your buyer can now receive notifications with updates via email.

Niclas Aunin avatar
Written by Niclas Aunin
Updated over a week ago

What are buyer email notifications for MAP activities?

You can now enable automatic email notifications to be send to your buyer for new activities in your spaces. The automated informations allow your buyers to stay up to date on key events in a space and are a simple, but effective way to bring them back to your space. At the same time you save time, as you don't need to write emails manually to their buyer, to make sure they are aware of recent updates in a space. 

How to set up and activate/deactivate email notifications for a buyer?

Buyer email notifications need to be activated individually in each space:

  1.  In your space, under 'Settings', go to 'Stakeholders & Notifications'.

  2. In the box 'User & Notifications' all users of the space are listed.

  3. There, you can simply activate notifications for all "All comments", "Task assigned", "Due today" and "Milestone done" via click on the respective boxes.

If you want to deactivate buyer email notifications again, simply re-click on the boxes under the activities you don't want your buyer to receive notifications for. 

Also, your buyer can unsubscribe from email notifications if they no longer want to receive activity updates via email (see below). In every mail, there is a 'unsubscribe' button located at the bottom of the page. So, always align with your buyer if and yes, about what they want to stay updated through mail notifications.

How do I know, if my buyer has received a notification?

Every time we send an email to your buyer, we show an activity in the activity feed to inform you that an email has been sent.

Congrats! Now you know why and how to use MAP email notifications for a buyer. They are really helpful to drive engagement and stay aware of deadlines - but always stay aligned with your buyer on their preferences.

For more details on the events, settings and more check out our FAQ on buyer email notification.

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