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Content automation

Learn how to setup content automation rules in templates.

Niclas Aunin avatar
Written by Niclas Aunin
Updated over a week ago

Hiding or unhiding pages and blocks allows to rapidly customize content customization in spaces at the flick of a switch.

Content automation takes this feature to a new level. It allows you to programmatically adjust visibility settings in templates, ensuring automatic display of relevant content upon space creation.

See our video walkthrough below read or scroll down for setup instructions and best practices.

How to Set Up Content Visibility Automation:

Pre-requisite: Content automation rules are based on the value of custom properties. Add and edit custom properties in Admin Company Settings.

Learn more about setting up custom properties here.

1. Creating Automation Rules:

  • Navigate to the template where you want to set up automation.

  • Access the "Set Page/Block Automation" option via the three-dot menu adjacent to a page or block.

  • Define your automation rule by selecting a variable, an operator (equals/not equals), and entering a value.

  • Save the automation to activate the rule.

  • The automation rule will be shown below the block or page element in the sidebar. To edit, click on the three-dot menu again.

2. Apply Automations in space creation

  • When creating a space based on a template with active content visibility automations, the user will be asked to provide information on the respective properties.

  • All rules are automatically applied. In the sidebar, automated elements are indicated with a blue box, and visibility toggles reflect the current status but are not clickable.

3. Edit automation rules in a space.

  • Edit properties: Navigate to Space Settings and access the custom properties tab. Change the text of the property you wish to change. The visibility status of pages and blocks will automatically adjust.

  • Delete automation rules: If you need to manually adjust visibility settings, you can remove content automation rule. Select "Remove Block/Page Automation" in the editor or checklist and confirm.

    Note: Once removed you can not re-add an automation to the element in a space.

Exemplary Use Cases:

  1. Adjust content based on a country to provide localised information.

  2. Adjust visibility based on company size to differentiate between start-up, SMB and Enterprise offerings.

  3. Adjust content based on deal stage to show more details as your deal progresses.

💡You can also apply content visibility rules when you create spaces automatically with our Valuecase API.

Not using our API yet? Discover more about our API and additional automation use cases here.

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